Random Blog Clay Feet: August 03, 2003
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Sunday, August 03, 2003

Thoughts on James 4

I just read yesterday in Ty Gibson's book about developing intimacy with God by writing down what He speaks to me in His Word. So here I am, Daddy!

I'm meditating on James 4 and it, of course, reinforces what God has been saying through all the video series by John Regier, Wilkenson and in Ty's books.


Conflict and quarrels come from roots – strongholds.

Worldly pleasure is God-designed pleasures that have been hi-jacked by Satan.

The root/source of conflicts is desire to be like and accepted by the world.

The world is a fake reality that when grasped turns out to be empty but full of pain.

In chasing after acceptance/conformity with society around me I make myself an enemy of God.

The fake reality is inherently designed to make me hostile to God and believe lies about Him.


God burns with passionate longing/desire/craving/obsession for intimacy with me/my heart and spirit.

The world leads me to believe the opposite about God making the Bible ineffective, discounting it.

Instead of reacting vengefully in His jealousy like we would, God pours on the grace to attract us more.

It I stay in PRIDE I find God and myself in opposition – blocked, emotionally locked away from grace.

If I choose to humble myself, reject the lies from Satan and the world about God, choose to believe the truth about God in His word and from His Spirit, I will experience His greater grace. I will see His jealousy not as anger but as white-hot passion to hod, embrace and love me to Himself forever.


The formula for connecting with God, the Source of real life and intense pleasure:

Submit/humble/believe/agree with God – instead of the devil and the world.

Resist/stop believing the lies/reject the devil – instead of resisting God's passion and attractions.

The problem, the block between God and I is all in me – not Him.

If I draw close to Him, spend time opening my heart and listening to His heart (like right now), He will always do the same with me plus much more.

As He shows me the lies and the obstructions in my life and my surroundings, I need to choose to remove/dispose of them to eliminate what perpetuates and reinforces the lies about Him and cause me to be double-minded and unstable because I believe opposite things about God at the same time.