This Well-being keeps showing up in Isaiah, sometimes translated that way and sometimes as peace. Well-being is a call to focus more dominantly on Being rather than Doing. This of course makes obvious sense when acknowledging that we are human beings and not human doings, although that distinction is fast being lost sight of by the way we think many times.
There is an interesting study potential emerging about the ARM of the Lord. It is always associated with might and strength. But God's ways are not like ours and He does not use force so strength is used differently than what we normally would expect.
The right arm is strong but also skilled and coordinated. Isa. 40:10,11 – His arm rules, tends His flock, gathers His lambs into His bosom. God's strength is not in His ability to force His own way against our free choice but to skillfully coordinate all events and choices to take full advantage of every opening to pour in His grace and redeeming power. His right arm will not triumph by violating-type force but by infinite love and passion drawing everyone through incomprehensible wisdom and skillful guidance of all circumstances born of free choices no matter how evil, to ultimately work together not only for His glory but for the good of every trusting child of His.