Family paradigm vs. Babylon paradigm
Perfection through maturing – are we getting closer and closer to killing our enemies the closer we get to God? Why does God demand we love our enemies to be like Him and then turn around and lash them with torture and burning Himself?
A person who insists on viewing religion and God through the Kingship paradigm will not be able to understand or accept a passionate, always-loving God. Until one becomes a newborn baby and grows into the family paradigm of thinking he cannot even see the “kingdom” of God – which, it turns out, is not really the best description of the relationship anyway.
Notice all through the Bible the “pairs” where the glory and the wrath are presented side by side sometimes with the same language. Take note also of the bias of the translators in choosing words more reflective of human anger in place of a passionate creator.
The Second Coming may not be the focal point of the ages like we have made it out to be. The Second Coming does not end the great controversy. It does not vindicate God in the judgment. If anything it creates more questions about why He selected the ones who show up in heaven and why not others. The mystery of God is not revealed fully yet and the mystery of sins experiment is not yet finished. The Second Coming is just a transition to another phase of the GC to bring it closer to complete closure.
The mystery of God is His passionate love for His enemies – all the way to the end. God changes not. His strange act is not strange to Him but to sinful beings who can't grasp the reality of His love and the danger of His passion.
God's intense desire and passion is to be completely intimate and vulnerable with every created intelligence in the cosmos. He has been restricted from expressing or experiencing His full desire ever since Lucifer began distorting His image and God has been forced to hide Himself more and more to protect His damaged children from suffering “hell” by His presence. Imagine the immensity of pain and longing and frustrated desire in the heart of the Father as He has had to progressively distance Himself fro our protection.
But He will not allow this condition to go on forever. His greatest desire is for restoration of the complete trust of all His creatures so it will be safe again to open His own heart and release all the pent up love and transparency that is His essence.
His strange act is that of not shielding the rebellious hearts from the unrestricted, overwhelming passion of His undiluted love. He has protected everyone from Himself since the inception of evil. But when evil has been fully perfected and organized into one unified body – the great counterfeit of the body of Christ, then there is nothing else left to prevent God from releasing Himself. There is no longer any benefit gained by restricting His glory, even from the loyal beings.
But it is not safe, especially for the loyal universe or redeemed humans, to fully reveal Himself until every last question, however small, remains unresolved in any mind. And every question must be resolved in complete freedom by the mind and heart where it resides, never settled by imposition of an answer from the outside. That only multiplies the doubts and is the method Satan has promoted as his alternative to God's method.
The Third Coming initiates the last phase counting down to the final resolution of the GC by the completely unforced acknowledgment of God's fairness from every being. Unforced by God but forced by the complete exposure of every detail of every event and life that has ever happened. There is no place for lies to hide anymore when everyone can see everything.
At this point every being is exposed to the contrast of the truth about God and His character and dealings in clear relief against the complete truth about Lucifer, his character and dealings and the resulting destruction of capacity to live in the presence of the Source of Life.
This moment of final vindication of God by the free minds and hearts of every being is the passion of the Bible writers inspired by God. The lost have permanently damaged their heart capacity to respond to love. Many, if not all, have come to only live from their left brain and their lower brain completely ruining the intended abilities of the right brain to synchronize with others in a healthy, uplifting way. So when God's face is finally fully revealed at the last day of judgment every right brain that has stayed in dysfunction will suffer unimaginable torture from their hearts inability to receive and respond to love. Judgment does not mean condemnation, but a full revealing of all that has been in hiding. However, the wicked can perceive reality only through the distorted lens of the lies of sin about God. So they fully believe, and thereby experience, that God's passion of love is actually wrath and condemnation. Is it possible this is a covenant they have made to God? Ps. 18:26.
God has often presented His passion in language of anger because His hearers could only relate to that language, not because it was an accurate description of His true nature. The change in language reflects the filters we have been saddled with and God is forced to use terms we will identify with. If He talked about passionate love we might minimize the importance and not realize the lethal results of sinful exposure to holy passion. But we must turn away from the simplistic urge to take the wrath language of the Bible at face value, particularly after being influenced by scribes and translators over thousands of years with their own misunderstandings of God's passion. The truth is still in there but it must be carefully uncovered like archaeologists.
This truth about God has the potential to strongly polarize every person who hears it. Those who choose to oppose it will cling more strongly to a concept of God created in human image and based on that concept will be compelled to discredit and attack anyone accepting this revelation, emulating the God of their creation.
But to many it will be a stream of life-giving cool water in a parched desert. They will suddenly see sense in much that always seemed incongruous about God and they will hurl themselves into the river of life with abandon and delirious joy. The glory from the angel of Rev. 18 will fill the whole earth and the sides will sort themselves out quickly as the last confusing pieces of the great puzzle begin to drop into their proper place and His face begins to emerge.
Remember, it is the lost who say the Lamb is full of wrath. The saved all through Revelation declare with boldness that God is worthy of trust, praise and honor. He is fair and just.
Both sides will receive their perception of God. The good will enter into His joy – which is true reality. The lost will enter into torture as they experience His presence. Because love and resistance to love become the irresistible force and the immovable object.
Our mortal bodies cannot be saved. God gives everyone a new frame to build their honeycomb on and disconnect from the old combs. Those who have completely separated their spirit from attachments to the “fleshly” comb will have a new rescue raft for their spirit to inhabit when the fire appears at eh Second Coming. But their mortal bodies may be consumed in the fire along with it's inherent sinful nature and they will be free to safely inhabit a new body that reflects the personality, maturity and individuality they have developed on earth. The ones who have tried to mingle the new wine with old skins will have no escape raft/body ready for them and they will find themselves stuck with the vulnerable, mortal body that cannot survive the presence of glory. All mortal bodies will be consumed by the brightness, both wicked and righteous. But the new body/creature that has been invested in wholly by the righteous will then be revealed when the old exterior body is burned away.
After the millennium the lost are given back the old style bodies because that the only kind they can function in. since that kind of body is inherently vulnerable to being consumed by glory, God has to protect them from Himself until all the issues of the GC are full exposed. Then the truth about Him, which is in fact His glory, is fully revealed in the great video replay, all who have synchronized holy bodies will glow as suns and all who have dissonant, fleshly, earthly bodies will suffer resistance heat that burns and self-destructs.
Resistance is the core problem of sin and resistance causes heat.
Why did Jesus suffer and die? I think we have almost completely missed the point. Jesus came to demonstrate God's passionate love on a scale small enough for us to survive. When He entered the garden He was taking on the actual feelings of guilt, shame and condemnation that we feel and that we think comes from God when we are out of sync with Him. Then He was forced to experience the passionate love of God from the perspective of a lost sinner with no hope and no ability or capacity left to receive that love. He suffered the torment of losing out on all the glories of heaven forever, but far more excruciating to Him, He was losing out His intimacy with His own Father forever which is what He had always lived experienced. At the same time He was passionately displaying to everyone around Him the undiluted, unaffected, unconditional love and forgiveness that His Father and He had always had toward us without reserve. He was determined to love us if it killed Him—and it did, or rather we did it to Him. But in so doing He redeemed us from the obligation to suffer those feelings ourselves, not only at the judgment but even today.
(Matthew 22:10-14) "Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests. "But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes, and he *said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?' And the man was speechless. "Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' "For many are called, but few are chosen." (NAS95)
The robe of light that is a gift to us, the righteousness of Jesus, is the very mechanism by which we can live in the presence of the eternal fire. When filtered through this robe we can shine instead of being consumed. Through the eternal forgiveness of God we can live in His presence and see His face safely. Without this protection, which means depending in the slightest on anything we are or can do to merit favor, we become susceptible to the flame of God in a lethal way. The same passionate love that can save us will destroy us if we dilute in the slightest degree a total dependence on the merits of Jesus ALONE.
That is why Adam and Eve lost their robes of light. When they began trusting themselves more than God they lost their protection from His fire and they had good reason to fear being in His presence. And if Jesus had not immediately taken their place for suffering the natural consequences of being out of sync with God while being exposed to His fiery presence, they would indeed have died that very day as soon as God showed up.
Robes or coats are part of the exchange in a Covenant relationship. They signify the authority of the Covenant partner. If we do not accept the robe of Jesus we cannot have His authority and also cannot appear in the presence of His Father.