Now the good news. The money you will use is not printed by the U.S. Government. It is currency that you have the capability to print yourself and actually has much more value than dollars. Yes, you can be as rich or as poor as you choose to be depending on your willingness to produce your own money.
The substance of the gifts we are going to give is actually in truth the only thing that you really ever have to give. It is the gift of your very self, given in selfless, undivided attention to another person. You can give largely or in very small amounts. But a wholesome, valuable expression of your gift needs to be without distraction or a shift of focus to yourself.
Take time to be genuinely interested and focused on the other person with a special interest to synchronize with what is going on deep in their heart. Be trustworthy in not betraying their vulnerability but be willing to be vulnerable yourself. Listen with you heart, not just your head. Encourage yourself to enter into as much sympathy as you are capable of with them and you will discover your capacity increasing.
The number of potential gifts and their value is only limited by the length of time we share together and our willingness to give and receive these gifts. We are creating memories that will far outlast any material presents we could possibly afford, and with much deeper and long-lasting bonds of love and affection. Let's experiment. Respect our current limitations, but encourage growth. Do everything we can to be a safe environment where hearts can experience value and healing. Let's see what God can do through us and surprise us with this Christmas.
(I wrote this piece as I contemplated how we could make Christmas more meaningful and relationship-oriented as well as what I desired the most. However, I don't it got any farther than the pad I wrote it on.)