Random Blog Clay Feet: August 12, 2006
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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Face Short-circuit

When we place our face in front of the video screen we set in motion several natural laws of the mind. We begin to synchronize our minds and hearts with a greater capacity mind. We download beliefs, ideas and patterns of thinking and reacting into our mother-core that are mostly subconscious while consciously we think we are filtering much of it out. We short-circuit the system of mutual, reciprocal shared mindsight that we are designed to have with other real faces and minds, and instead train our brains to only operate in one direction. The screen cannot respond to the messages returning from our eyes and faces but continues to overwhelm us with powerful messages designed to arouse and exercise our emotions without face to face interaction.

We then experience more and more difficulty experiencing healthy mindsight with other humans because of this trained short-circuit which, if continued, sets us up for the ultimate meltdown when everyone is exposed to the intense passion of God's face in person. (see Ezekiel 14)

An idol is anything or anyone I use to get life from without enjoying the presence of God and having His blessing.