Eve wanted to be like God. She accepted the contract offered to make her more like God. Problem was, she chose to forget she was already created in God's image. To accept the new offer she rejected her advantage and lost her right to life. To preserve her existence the blood of promise to undo the contract was immediately applied to prevent the full consequences of her deadly choice.
Abraham received lessons in faith. Through those lessons he began to understand the implications of the blood. He became a major exhibit for humanity of how to be redeemed – by believing the truth about God and trusting the word of God. But even in believing the blood was applied.
Israel forgot and did not follow Abraham's example and sank deep into guilt, ignorance and perverted concepts of God. Because they couldn't even realize their condition God exposed Himself to them at Sinai to contrast their real situation with His perfect beauty and holiness. But instead of admitting their condition they followed the example of Lucifer and Eve instead of Abraham. They said they would be like God – obey Him perfectly. Immediately the blood was sprinkled on them to shield them from the consequences of their stupid choice. Moses must have been sad as he sprinkled the blood over the people realizing they didn't really know God and didn't understand what they were attempting to do.
The Jews in John 6 were still trying to work the works of God, still stuck in the Lucifer syndrome. Jesus urgently tried to change their focus to Himself, the reality of what was signified all through history by the blood. Believe in the blood – not a promise to become like God.
The surprise ending is that those who reject the temptation to be God or equal with Him, but turn to trust fully in the blood and the One who gave it – they end up becoming like God much more than Lucifer ever claimed to want.