Random Blog Clay Feet: April 18, 2006
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Another early morning insight. When God met with Adam and Eve after the fall may be an accurate model of the final judgment. God did not display wrath and anger as we would expect. He even accepted their excuses without challenging them as we would typically do. When Adam blamed Eve, God asked Eve what happened. He traced the problem back through all the blame links to the source – the serpent. He will do the same thing in the final judgment.

Even though God accepted their excuses, that did not release them from the consequences of their choices. In the judgment He may accept all the excuses and blaming of others offered up by billions of people until the root is traced to the Serpent for all to clearly see. Even so, the consequences of everyone's choices cannot be avoided. Only this time all those who have fully identified in Christ as their Saviour receive the consequences of His perfect life on earth because He took the consequences of their wrong choices onto Himself at the cross.

Because we are created just below God (Ps. 8:5), to worship anything or anyone other than God is not like us to do given the way we are created. We would be elevating something that we were given dominion over to a higher position that ourselves, thereby inverting our created design.