Random Blog Clay Feet: June 12, 2006
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Monday, June 12, 2006

Contrast of Fires

The fiery furnace episode has important lessons. The furnace fire was instigated by the corrupt passion of a man who believed God would burn and torture people for disobeying Him. The three Hebrews rested in the truth about God and refused to bow to fear and force. The amazing part is that though the fire was man-made and emanated completely from earthly evil passion and anger. As the Hebrews rested in their trust in God, He transformed what promised to be fatal torture and abuse from men into the very passion and presence of God Himself. By staying in total submission to God and not yielding to fear or resistance to evil intentions but trusting their covenant Partner they became examples of how to pass from the intended fire of evil rage to the glorious fire of God's passion and presence.