It is a message designed to polarize. It is a message designed to unite or divide. It is the message to come out of Babylon, the condition of confusion, and let God be God. It is the call for radical godliness to allow the glory of God to fill the whole earth. It is a choice to live from the heart and bond deeply together as families or live just from our head and trust in human goodness and solutions.
Today every religion is practicing some mix of humanism and faith in God. It is woven so finely together and worded so subtly that it often cannot be noticed at first. Radical godliness based on total dependence on Christ's merits alone is extremely rare though often talked about. One of the biggest problems in realizing God's full power in our lives is our present distortions about God's true character. We are becoming like the God/gods we believe in, but we allow very little latitude in our minds for radical change in our understanding of who the Real God really is. We are devoted more to our beliefs about God than we are to God Himself. This is typical of head-religion.
The Elijah message is a radical appeal to our hearts to rise up in resonance with the great Heart that originally created us and take radical action to change our mode of living. To accept the Elijah message means to subordinate left-brain dominated religion to its proper sphere as supportive role in a right-brain heart-dominated life filled and led by the Holy Spirit. This is the only choice that will allow us to be brought into harmony with God's heart and the hearts of all His children everywhere.