However, this is all done primarily as an external exercise to create the appearances of integrity and hopefully convince the customers, onlookers, potential converts etc. that we are the real thing, that we have it all figured out, that we have the best system in the world. Great emphasis is put on conformity and cooperation and appearances, but very little attention is paid to inward character, accurate disclosure and transparent honesty. In fact a great deal of effort is put into PR – image management to carefully camouflage all our imperfections, mistakes and downright deceptions. We are building a wonderful looking facade on unstable foundations of sand.
When I starts to become apparent and widespread that our words and catch phrases are in fact meaningless and shallow, the pundits are ready with another fresh round of programs, slogans and clichè's to merchandise to us. This is really part of the great and long-running campaign of Satan to render all words meaningless and all people mindless. It is in concert with his fundamental strategy of control through deception.
This tactic emphasizes the supremacy of external appearances above all else and at all costs. And the cost soon becomes apparent – it is our souls and our integrity and even our value for truth itself. It deceives us into believing that we can expect others to believe our words which in fact are calculated to deceive. But we eventually start losing sight of the fact that we are being deceitful and begin wondering why others have less and less confidence in us. It becomes more difficult to accurately communicate with others as our words slowly lose all their power and effectiveness.
About this time we then resort to a different tactic to get our way, to control others and look out for ourselves. We turn to threats and intimidation and then try to use force to back up our new vocabulary. But while these words may be true to a greater extent than our empty promises, we have long since abandoned integrity itself and have come very close to losing our souls completely to the disease of Meaninglessness.