Random Blog Clay Feet: April 21, 2007
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Deferring to Another Post

Though I have a lot of things going through my head today, particularly as I am trying to get in touch with my heart and head in preparation for the upcoming Bat Barakah in two weeks; instead I am going to recommend another blog post that just enriched my heart this morning when I read it. I have been following this site for quite a few months since I stumbled across it and have enjoyed reading her posts about her life as a research assistant in Brazil. There have been great stories and pictures and insights into her mind that have kept me coming back to check on her regularly, though I never left a comment. But the most recent post from last Friday really spoke to me and I highly recommend it to anyone reading this today. Her name is Maria Susannah Bowman and you can read it on her site by clicking here.