When I focus on and talk about the problems in our lives too long I allow them to become my gods. They are given permission to block me from access to abundant life so they are allowed to become a stronger influence than God in my soul. By working harder to figure out resolutions to these problems and then trying to implement them with some help from God to enforce my solutions, I am really cooperating with my gods and trying to borrow power from God for them to use.
There seems to be two kinds of righteousness in the Bible. One has to do with saving merit and the other has to do with rewards.
The first is like Write/Read format. God has to take the merit of Jesus and write it into us so others can read it. It cannot be mingled in the slightest with our own attempts for merit or it becomes useless.
The second kind is like Read/Write format. When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to be an influence of life to others by letting them read the face of God in our life, God writes the results in the records of heaven to be rewarded. This is not salvation merit, this is rewardable cooperation.