God is extremely jealous for His slaves. Since they are totally His property He is fully responsible for their health and welfare. Since it is His slaves that He has chosen to use as His instruments of outreach and self-expression in this world, He is very keen to do everything possible to equip them to accurately reveal the message of the truth about Him. I crave that kind of jealousy. When someone loves me so much they are furiously jealous of my affections and deeply desire my undivided loyalty to them, that conveys something important about their heart and the value they place on me. God does not want me to be compromised by any deceptions of the enemy, for all deception is designed for only one purpose, to get me to doubt God and create within my heart a handle for the enemy to manipulate me and to insert his destructive lies so that through me he can further wound the heart of God.
As a slave of Christ I am fully owned by Him. Naturally He takes extremely good care of all of His property and intends to restore it and maintain it in as premium a condition as possible. Unlike most slave-masters, He gives an amazing amount of autonomy to His slaves. He does so in order that they will reflect His own character and as He demonstrates His intense value for freedom. But since we are in the middle of an deadly war He cannot allow me the freedom of living outside the bondage of slavery to Him for I am not equipped to live on my own because of my fallen human nature. When I refuse to be a slave of Jesus I am immediately stolen and enslaved by the cruel agents of Satan that bind me with galling chains designed to torture, degrade and destroy me. Since there is no possibility of neutrality because of Satan's obsession for soul-snatching, my only safety is in remaining under the protective ownership of slavery to Jesus.
I am just beginning to comprehend a little bit how desirable it is to be in this slavery. It is really something to be greatly envied. In fact, the very angels of God are amazed at the privileges endowed on the slaves of God, especially those who have been rescued from the cruel bonds in Satan's kingdom. Jesus is extremely protective of His slaves and never takes His eyes off of them for a moment, not because He doesn't trust them but because He knows He cannot trust the enemy to leave them alone. The enemy is always plotting how to break their bonds to Jesus or to lure them away from His protection so he can viciously attack them unsuspectingly. Sometimes he launches an all out physical and/or emotional assault against them, but the slaves of Jesus learn to cry out for help at such times and Jesus always immediately comes to their aid in one way or another. It may not always be in the way they expect, but Jesus knows what is best and they learn to trust His wisdom and care for them even though they often do not understand the methods He uses to protect them. Sometimes it seems that they are abandoned, but they learn to trust even in the darkness of their ignorance of what He is presently doing. They trust the passionate heart of love that provides the glue, the bonding influence that binds their hearts close to His.
Many times the enemy comes with subtle attempts to deceive God's slaves in any way possible. He knows that if they will endorse any of his lies about God that he will then have an access point from which to launch even deeper attacks into their hearts and minds. He tries to allure them with promises of better satisfaction and pleasure than God has for them. Or he promises access to power and control over others that they think will bring fulfillment. These deceptions are almost always designed to be undetectable by the slaves as they are beyond their perceptive abilities to detect. The only protection and safety of God's slaves is to stay in connection and constant communication with God's Spirit at all times so they can be alerted by God who will warn them of deceptive dangers that they cannot perceive themselves. As they continue to trust the heart of God to protect and guide them they will be guided by His Spirit to avoid the many schemes of the enemy and will remain in the safety and inner peace enjoyed by all of God's loyal subjects.
Since God's slaves realize they are helpless to create provisions for their own needs, God has also assumed full responsibility for providing for all of the needs of His slaves. He gives each one of them the vision of what He wants them to do for Him each day and then promises to also provide the provision for them to fulfill that vision. Consequently they are free to focus their attention on carrying out the desires and instructions of their Master instead of wasting time grubbing around in frustrating attempts to keep themselves alive and healthy. That is not to say that they do not have to work or fix their food or take care of their bodies. Part of the duties of God's slaves is to participate and cooperate with the plans that God has for each one of them. But the plans of God almost always look very different than human plans, so His faithful and loyal slaves learn that as they carry out His instructions they are not only provided for but they become His means for providing for His other slaves as well.
God's kingdom of slaves operate under very different principles and relationships than the kingdom of darkness. While the slaves of Satan are driven by demeaning selfishness to directly clamor for whatever they can get to satisfy their own needs and desperate cravings, the slaves of God are arranged within a circuit of interdependence and mutual caring. In God's kingdom, life flows from the throne of grace – that flaming source of passion and limitless energy – out into the connected and dependent circle of all His loyal creation. As each receives life it immediately becomes an animated source of life to minister to the next recipients in the circuit while returning praise to the Source of life and joy. Each being in turn receives life and fellowship from the beings above and around them while allowing themselves to be open channels to let that life, love and energy flow out to others in need. All of this interaction is coordinated perfectly through the vibrant and interactive communication system directly linked to God in the Holy Spirit – God's nervous system.
Just like our body is designed to process nutrition and life-giving elements from its surroundings through the complex interdependency of all of the cells and organs, so too the body of Christ is designed for total interdependence and mutual support. And just as the body is primarily the container for our minds and hearts and spirits to interconnect with others and live in ways that extend beyond our own bodies, so too the slaves that make up the body of Christ are to exist as the supporting “container” for the head – Jesus Christ Himself.
And just like the brains and minds of a healthy, mature person will make sure to nurture and protect the body that supports it, even more so will the Head of the body of Christ jealously guard, protect and nurture every cell, organ and appendage of His body. He will not tolerate infections to spread or wounds to go untreated. Every attack on the body of Christ is instantly recognized and will be cared for by the head. But just like our own bodies, the head needs the rest of the body as the means to minister to itself. The hands will care for the feet and other parts, the eyes will alert the body to its surroundings. The ears will not only receive communications but will be the means of entry for enriching music and the calming sounds of nature. The feet and legs will support and carry the body and the internal organs will process and provide useful material to nurture and provide for every cell of every part of the body.
In all of these functions every cell or entity is a slave under the guidance of the nervous system designed to contribute to the perfect functioning of the whole. When any cells become rebellious and independent and grow out of their intended functions, eventually they have to be separated from the body like a tumor or cancerous cells that would threaten the health of the whole body if left unchecked.
But I am now getting too far away from my original thoughts. I still want to ponder on the privileges that I can enjoy being a slave of Jesus bound to Him with cords of lovingkindness that can never be broken. I want to train my heart to instantly cry out to God when I am afraid or in trouble. I want to learn to listen instantly to the quiet, gentle promptings of His “nervous system”, the Holy Spirit instead of just following my own instincts, impressions or cravings. I want to learn to consistently trust His heart and know that He can always take everything that happens to me, no matter how inexplicable or painful from my viewpoint, and will rearrange life to weave everything into an eventual blessing for me that I will eagerly and thankfully praise Him for in the end. And knowing that He is that kind of Master and Friend I want to train my heart to praise Him even before I can see how things are going to work out because I trust His heart, His ability and His desire to always bless me.
Luke 17:1-10 is an insight to what the slaves of Jesus look like. Because of their implicit, trusting relationship to the Master and because they are willing to serve Him first with an attitude of joyful humility, they will be filled more and more with the faith requested by the disciples and described by Jesus in the early verses of that passage. In fact, in the end those who become veteran slaves on a permanent basis will discover to their amazement that their own spirit of service is simply reflective of the very same spirit in their Master as He Himself turns the table on them and desires to serve them in the same way. (see Luke 12:34-37)
I suppose the problem that I and most others have to work on is the re-translation and reinterpretation of the words and their implications in this context. All of the negative, resentment-producing ideas triggered up in our minds and emotions by the words “slave” or “service” are because of the way the kingdom of darkness has used them to abuse us and those around us and skew our image of God. It is the counterfeit interpretations that have taken predominance in this world that leave us confused and afraid of God. Then when God invites us into an intimate, life-giving relationship with Him while using these words and illustrations we become afraid.
But really, our fear grows out of the ignorance of our heart about the truth about God's heart. We are afraid of becoming His slaves because of our past abuse, but the slaves of God are treated better than the unfallen sons of God. The slaves of Satan are harshly bound with chains of fear, shame and cruel, heartless pain while the slaves of Jesus are bound with love. (see Hosea 11:4) It is true that God's slaves will not be free from pain, but pain while in the service of God is recognized, shared and ministered to and becomes a means of growth and development and bonding while pain in Satan's kingdom leads to bitterness, anger, despair and finally death.
God's slaves are encouraged to come boldly to the throne of grace where their Master sits enthroned in the fiery passion of His love for them anytime they are in need. Jesus never drives His slaves with force, fear or intimidation; He always leads His slaves by example and attraction in gentleness. He protects and provides for His slaves everything they need to keep their spirit in harmony with His Spirit. They will not always be completely protected physically or even emotionally from harm, but He will always guard their spirit and will always turn the scheming attacks of the enemy into even greater achievements of grace.
I choose to present myself to God to be bound to Him with His love-bonds and become a slave of obedience to Him. (Romans 6:13-18) It is His work to do the bonding and the love has to be received from His heart. But I really like the privileges and pleasures enjoyed by the slaves of Jesus and I choose to be one of them.