Random Blog Clay Feet: June 10, 2005
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Friday, June 10, 2005


We have so adopted the Babylonian model into religion that we have turned ordination on its head. God originally designed ordination – laying on of hands – to be an event of recognition of God's empowering and an embracing by God's family of a person and their choice by God. The family of God was committing to support and defend this person as an elder maturity function for their community or in support of some other work God had singled them out to do.

Now, although we create the external words and pretension that we are supposedly doing this, in actuality we use ordination as an exclusion tool to block people from fulfilling their calling of God. Unless a person pays their “dues” through prescribed educational achievements and meet certain arbitrary criteria of tradition they are not deemed worth of authority from man-made institutions based on the kingship/legal/economic model of government.

Jesus, when speaking of binding and loosing, said that His family would bind or loose what was already bound or loosed in heaven, not the other way around, contrary to some mistranslations of that passage. In the family model the family follows the lead of the head and the head looks out for the needs and best interests of all the family.

(reference Ye Shall Receive Power for June 11)