What I am realizing is that my connection to God may have a great deal of similarities to my connection to the internet. Ideally it would be nice to be able to look at things first-hand without even having to use an electronic link. I would much rather see and associate with friends in person than to just look at images on a screen and translate graphics shaped into letters and words to “listen” to what they want to communicate to me. An awful lot is lost is these very simplified forms of communication, but it is much better than no communication. So I am willing to use these means until the time when we can dispense or bypass them for the real thing.
You can probably get a feel for where this is going by now. I wish that I could physically just crawl up in God's lap and tangibly feel His arms around me and literally look into His eyes and experience His overwhelming love firsthand. But I understand that is far too intense for me to even survive right now and there are other extenuating circumstances that have to be resolved before I will be able to enjoy that kind of personal proximity to God.
So in the meantime He has set up an ISP for me to communicate with Him using words and pictures etc. But just like my computer's ISP connection, I have some issues and problems that need to be addressed.
Right now I am using one of the slowest and most frustrating connections in the world of internet connections. I have to use a dial-up modem connection to send or receive anything from my computer since we live so far out in the boondocks that the phone company doesn't want to run better wires this far. At the prices they are already gouging us with I would hate to see what they would demand for even better connections. Then to add to that, the modem in my laptop computer is evidently not designed for such a slow connection so it tends to limit it to an even slower speed than what my main computer can do. That is only because when I learned that newer modems run much slower in these circumstances than older modems I installed an older modem into my main computer so it would run slightly faster. But either way, I am limited to some of the slowest baud rates that most people can tolerate.
It would be very nice to have a broadband connection or even better yet a satellite link so I could access the internet world on nearly a realtime basis. But as you know the prices for those luxury options are what I consider obscene. So I have to just practice lots of patience and restrict my activities to what is feasible under the circumstances.
But what does all that have to do with my ISP with heaven? Well, I think it has a lot of parallels when I stop to think about it. It occurred to me as I have gotten into studying Romans 8, that maybe a lot of my problems with my spiritual growth is my severely restricted connection line just like my frustrating home ISP situation.
My heavenly ISP (In Spirit Power) may have such a small connection with my heart that the enormous blessings and resources available “out there” simply can't get through the bottleneck of my slow and stymied heart portal. The modem in my heart that is supposed to receive and send information, emotions and passion is so seriously miswired that I am fortunate that anything at all is actually getting through. I am about to take an in-depth examination of Romans 8 and what it means to live according to the spirit and to be led by the Spirit of God. I am realizing that I am not experiencing the full freedom of access to God's heart that I desire and that is very frustrating for me. But I also know the problem is not on God's end so it must be addressed at this end.
Of course the problem is also that I am not an electronics engineer, either in this mortal life or in spiritual life. I don't have a clue as to how to rearrange the wiring to improve my connections, either in my computer, my phone lines or my heavenly ISP connection. That is completely out of my skills and abilities and I am at the mercy of those who have those skills as well as their relationship and attitudes toward me.
For my home ISP connection I suspect, based on the worldly way of doing things, I would have to shell out a great deal of money that I would have to first earn somewhere, to induce some big, heartless company to set up some new equipment or wiring or whatever to make a faster connection possible. Then on top of that they would expect me to continue to bribe them each month with extravagant amounts of hard-earned money to continue to provide me with this connection or they would quickly cut it off and leave me disconnected completely from all the resources available to others on the internet.
I don't believe that God has that kind of attitude toward those who want to get set up with a broadband connection with Him. However, there must be some kind of arrangements that need to be made for me to enjoy a fuller and fast connection with Him than what I am now experiencing. It is not something that just falls into place just for the wishing or I would already be enjoying it. I don't yet have all the answers to this question, but I hope to uncover them soon as I continue to study Romans 8 where there are all kinds of exciting revelations about having a high-speed connection through the dedicated ISP of heaven.
Isn't it interesting that Paul used the words he did with no clue that the acronyms would work perfectly thousands of years later with technology that couldn't even be imagined in his day. I see that sort of “coincidence” repeatedly and believe that it is sometimes a revelation of the humor of God. I can almost see the little smile playing on His face when someone comes upon one of these little surprises and is startled by the instant fit that some illustration has to spiritual realities. It is just like Him to do those kinds of things.