Random Blog Clay Feet: Probation and Emotion Ring
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Friday, May 05, 2006

Probation and Emotion Ring

Hard-wiring the emotion ring in the brain. Any emotions without return paths to joy are not wired into the ring. This biological event happens very early in childhood. This is a perfect explanation of the close of probation. The time has come for the wiring to grow into place, to laminate for all humanity. Everyone who has not learned the paths to joy, who have put off practicing what they even understood intellectually, will be stuck where they have emotionally chosen to live. Intellectual understanding of all the truth and even knowledge of this fact itself will not equate to having an actual, experiential, rehearsed right-brain path in the “ways of God”, an intimate experience of what it means to be “holy”, a dedicated channel of the righteousness of God.

Those who have not been exercised and become compliant mediums of His passion will find themselves hardwired out of the inner circle of intimacy with God's heart. They are identified as filthy and unholy. They are satisfied with being common vs. being dedicated. They have resisted allowing God to finish removing all the garbage from their minds. They clung to their pain or their lies because they believed it was their identity. They would not completely die to their sinful identity and choose to fully embrace their identity in Christ by faith in His good will toward men. Because they insisted on believeing something, anything different about themselves than what God had declared them to be in Christ, God now has to respect their decision about their identity and allow them to be identified with their filth, no matter how small or large.

And if they have been unwilling to be 100% dedicated (the real meaning of the word “holy”) to satisfying the heart of God and bringing honor to His reputation, then they are declared “unholy”. This simply acknowledges they are for common use, mixing worldly thinking and feeling with heavenly thinking and feeling. They are unsafe for high intensity transmission, unfit for clean, uncluttered signals. They are what they insisted on pursuing.

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