Random Blog Clay Feet: Spiritual Indigestion
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Spiritual Indigestion

When our body does not digest our food properly the food becomes toxic to our body. When we receive information that brings light to our minds but we don't digest it in our heart, it too becomes toxic to our soul. EGW says the gospel is dangerous when it is not acted upon after being received. Hebrews says it must be mixed with faith or we cannot enter into rest.

There are many things that prevent good digestion of the Word:

We sometimes immediately think of someone else who should hear and apply this to their life, thereby hardening our own heart.

We sometimes become instantly defensive and feel attacked thereby creating great stress and producing indigestion.

We may fill up on junk food leaving little room or appetite for real food that truly satisfies.

We may dwell excessively on our fears, regrets, pain, resentments, guilt etc. leaving no time or willingness or desire for saving truth.

Enzymes aid in digesting food in the stomach. What are spiritual enzymes that can assist us in better digesting the Word so we don't get a sour stomach like John? (Rev. 10:9,10)

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