Random Blog Clay Feet: The End is Near
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

The End is Near

I am coming to the end of a long relationship, the soon termination of a deep bond of friendship that I have enjoyed for many years. It may seem to some like a mystery that is shallow or silly, but to others who have likewise enjoyed similar relationships they will understand what I am talking about.

I am referring to the most affectionate and adoring creature that has ever laid eyes on me – my cat George. I have come to realize that he is a special gift from God to help me understand a little better the feelings that God Himself has for me. This gift is apparently to be soon interrupted for a time, but I have no doubts based on what I have learned about what God is really like, that I will someday see George again and enjoy his company permanently.

I will not take the time to write his eulogy before his time is up, at least not quite yet. But I thought I would just share on my blog what is currently happening. I think that he probably has some type of cancer that had demonstrated itself in the growing tumor on his nose. He has been becoming weaker over the past few months and is now failing to eat much or even get around. He spent the last day or so just lying on the floor in our bedroom but came out in the evening to get up into my chair.

As I shared a couple weeks ago in the men's group, I have very deep feelings and attachment for this companion that creates potential for a lot of pain. I never know how I will respond to a death in my family. I suppose it has a lot to do with how much it is expected and what kind of relationship I have with them. But death is still our greatest enemy and I can't wait until it is eliminated from the universe forever.

In the meantime I will continue to turn my attention to the Source of life who is greater than death itself and is, in fact, the reality of resurrection Himself. In my study, or more accurately my absorption, of Romans I am getting into the end of chapter 8 which is very appropriate for this situation. It is one of the clearest declarations of assurance in the whole Bible that there is nothing but nothing that can keep any one of us separated from the love of God, the unstoppable passion of God that craves to draw every one of us into personal and fulfilling intimacy with His heart. George's impending death, though it will likely be very painful for me, will be buffered and shared by my best Friend who has the power to remove the sting of death. He holds the trump card in this game and at the right time He will play it in favor of everyone who allows His love to infiltrate their hearts.

George has taught me a great deal about unconditional love and devotion. Over the past few years he has been more and more affectionate and sometimes literally follows me ever place I walk. He amazes me with his consistent positive attitude in spite of all the pain he may be feeling inside. Even as he is wasting away and growing thinner each day he continues to respond with purring and affection whenever I come to him. That is a lesson I know I need to remember myself.

I will miss George painfully and deeply, but I know that Jesus feels the pain with me. There is nothing too small that affects my peace that He will not notice and respond to. I will grow through this pain and will remember with great fondness all the years we have enjoyed together. And I look forward with hope to the final termination of all pain, all suffering and all death forever. Maranatha.


  1. Oh how I understand the pain of death. I've written a poem for you and George that is also posted at http://amillionlittlepoems.blogspot.com (I hope that's right.)

    Hello George! What are you doing in my chair?
    Oh! I forgot. It’s ours to share.
    Those orange eyes and fur so fair
    Always waiting patiently for me there.
    A love we share that’s deep and rare.

    To see you hurt – My heart can hardly bear!
    Do you know how much I really care?

    Hello Floyd, I rub against your leg to say,
    “Welcome Home another day.”
    Near your bed I love to lay.
    Close to you I jumped and played.
    I know you wish that longer I could stay.
    But life isn’t made for us that way.

    God gave us ‘Memory’ to keep us close.
    Near or far – Our feelings to expose.
    Though evening sun for me now glows
    And my body looks like a ghost.
    Do not feel sad with great morose.
    I see for us a couple golden halos!
    I sense the peacefulness of soft primrose.

    Though now I take this trip as solo
    I expect another great hello!
    I’ll show you the greatest show
    In a place of lasting rainbow!

    by Linda Meikle

  2. Somehow I knew when I posted this that you might comment on it given your own recent loss and the closeness you share with your own pets. As far as the poem - I'm speechless. All I can say is thank-you, but in a way I can't really put into words. You expressed it much better than I can.


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